Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Valentine's Day

That one special day in a year that men and women alike scramble to buy that perfect gift to express the depth of their feelings for each other. But that's not the point of this blog. The point is that Valentine's Day is not just about spending it with your significant other but it is a celebration of love and relationships. Love is not confined to the romantic type and relationships should not be strictly interpreted to be between two people in love.
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love for everyone that matters in an individuals' life, be it parents, siblings, friends or the sales person who attends to you at your regular lunch place ;)Given that this Valentine's will the first that I am celebrating with the new man in my life, it is made extra special with my mother calling me to wish me a "Happy Valentine's Day" and my friends sending me text messages throughout the day. Even Melvin, my regular HP notebook sales person at Low Yatt, gave me a box of chocies yesterday and the Starbucks Barista, Zainal, gave me a chocolate heart today when I got me afternoon cuppa (^_^) It's so nice to be loved and appreciated.
Whilst it is nice to receive gifts and flowers on Valentine's Day, I think the best feeling is to know that one is remembered and appreciated. It is always a pleasant feeling to hear the 'ding dong' of my phone signifying a message has arrived and reading it puts a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. Guess I am simple in that way. Besides, I condemn all the over-sell and hype employed by florists, retailers and eateries in 'celebrating' Valentine's Day to the point of being over commercialised. The celebration of love is a very personal thing and NOBODY should be made to feel pressured to fork out shameless amounts of money just to show it.
So folks, don't need to despair if you haven't gotten the requisite bouquet of roses and candy/present for your sweetheart, instead, show them your sincerity by COOKING him/her a meal (just remember the candles) and please also don't forget your parents who are, essentially, your first loves in life.
Have a HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY and let not the celebration of love be only for this day ~Jas (",) 14.02.2006~

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