Monday, December 31, 2007

If Life Were Like A Computer:
  • You could add/remove someone in your life using the control panel.
  • You could put your kids in the recycle bin and restore them when you feel like it!
  • You could improve your appearance by adjusting the display settings.
  • You could turn off the speakers when life gets too noisy.Y
  • You could click on "find" (Ctrl, F) to recover your lost remote control and car keys.
  • To get your daily exercise, just click on "run"!
  • If you mess up your life, you could always press "Ctrl, Alt, Delete" and start all over!

Would that be grand?

Running up the tab

It's the year end and there are mega discounts and price slashing galore. Being the bargain hunter that I am, yours truly decided to hit the shops and scout for cheap buys. Armed with my credit cards and a sweater (because of over-zealous Christmas-spirited shopping mall operators - see last entry in blog), I went on a pilgrimage to pay homage to the Queen of all Sales.. The Malaysian YES (Year-End-Sale).

I spent a whole day at one of the 5 imminent malls in the Klang Valley with my childhood buddy in tow. We walked the floors and scoured all our favourite shops, which was approximately 60% of the mall barring the cinema, food places, books and toy shops (never pay regular prices when there are warehouse sales abound!). I came out of it empty handed except for the purchase of a can of green tea, ice cream and dinner. How truly disappointing :(

Keeping my spirits up, I decided to check out 2 book companies' warehouse and moving out sale respectively. That endeavour was more satisfying in that I have suceeded in stocking up a year's worth of reading supplies and some VCDs (original only mind you) for the nieces and nephews. However, my boyfriend did not appreciate spending 3 hours with his head tilted to one side in order to read the titles off the book spines. Needless to say, there was a grumpy face driving us home that evening and a tired but happy bookworm hoarding my 'spoils of war' *hyuk! hyuk!*

Today, I gave my staff the day off and am contemplating to launch an 'assault' on the latest, upmarket mall to hit the town. According to my childhood buddy, the mall we went to was child's play in comparison to that. Ooooo... a challenge if I ever knew one! I've checked the traffic conditions online and put out my shopping shoes so as soon as I can peel myself away from my comfy perch in front of my laptop, I will be off. Wish me luck! And to you, dear reader, have an excellent New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My dad...

My dad is my hero. He brought me up the way all typical, olden-day Chinese dads do: keeping a stiff upper-lip and is hands-free in my up-bringing (he leaves it to mum). He never praised me in front of anybody and down-played praises by well.. anybody. It's not that he isn't proud of me, he is, it's just the conservative Chinese way. However, lately, he's been taking over the role of mum, i.e. nagging, scolding and when all else fails, resorts to emotional blackmail and 'cold wars'.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not complaining that my dad is conniving or sly, he's just reaching out to me in the only way he knows how. You see, growing up with a dad conditioned me to be close to mum while maintaining a cordial and respectful distance (physically and emotionally) from dad. Mum says something, I listen. Dad says something, I ask mum if I should listen :) So I get it that he feels insecure and therefore the theaterics.

Take this New Year weekend for instance. I called dad up on Friday to discus holiday plans. He said, quite nonchalantly, "You're not coming back (to my hometown) for New Year?". Now when dad says that, he means, "I want you to come back". So I mulled over it, taking into consideration the mass influx of people who will be travelling back to the Klang Valley from their galivanting a.k.a. "cuti-cuti Malaysia", I called him again to hint at not going back in lieu of the anticipated traffic jams to which he replied: There is no jam if you take the old (trunk) road. So there... Dad has decided.

So drawing from all my years of growing up with dad, I called up mum (naturally, this being the 21st century, it means calling mum's mobile phone as opposed to just asking dad to pass the line) to ask her opinion. To cut a long story short, mum said, "Don't bother coming back" and so here I am, holed up in my city home, blogging :) Dad won't be happy but mum has spoken.

Friday, December 28, 2007

"Do they know it's Christmas..."...Do we?

Christmas came and went. SILENTLY. Christmas carols were so infrequently blasted over the radio in the days leading up to Christmas that I stopped listening out for it (instead, I played my own Christmas carols on the CD player). The streets look pretty much the same as they do everyday except for sporadic greetings in Bahasa Malaysia proclaiming: Selamat Hari Natal and Tahun Baru. The Christmas spirit is dead in Malaysia except in shopping malls.

All shopping malls in the Klang Valley spared no costs in conjuring up the 'rah-rah' for this season. Gigantic connifers sprouted out of polished tiles complete with fake snow and the works. I swear that they even turn down the thermostat to make it chilly for the added effect.

So what does Christmas mean to me? Zilch.. except the gift receiving part *grin*

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Earth Angels

I met an angel tonight. We've been hardwired to associate 'angels' with heavenly bodies of light with wings and a halo above their heads but no.. The angel I met was neither ephemeral nor was she a dark shadow bearing a resemblance of the 'Grim Reaper'. She was very much human, just like you and me.
Having spent much of the evening during a dinner party talking to her, I am re-assured that there is still good in this world and it doesn't matter if you are "only one of many" trying to do good in this crazy world. The important thing is that you ARE making it happen and not waiting around for something to happen.
In this season of giving and caring, what better way than to re-pledge oneself to helping God's creatures especially our less fortunate bretheren? There are many worthy causes out there who are grateful for generous contributions, be in terms of money or effort.
"Be the change that you want to see happen"

Monday, October 29, 2007

Ding dong..! The witch is gone!

*singing* oh happy day...
today.. i be rid of a 'pest'. how much more excellent can it be?
having said that, i can think of at least 12 things but right now i'm happy enough that i got my 'pest' is gone so i'll leave my 12 things for another day :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Samy Vellu goofed again with this statement:


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Than Meets The Eye...

AWESOME!! As soon as I stop feeling tingly, I will write a proper post on THE movie of the century: Transformers

Friday, June 29, 2007

What do you think?

Here's the poser: A lady wrote an email to a radio show to seek the listeners' opinion on her concern. Her boyfriend of 3 years is as wonderful as boyfriends can get. Even after all these years, he still makes the effort to take her out to nice dinners, buy her gifts and flowers, take her on nice weekend getaways etc. He is 31 years old, has a stable job is financially stable and she can foresee herself spending the rest of her life with him. The trouble is, even though he is 31 and is financially independent, he still receives an allowance from his parents. She finds this odd and wants to know if this is a common practice among rich folks and what do the listeners' think.

Some called in to ask if the guy's parents would mind adopting a 40-something year old "son" *grinz* but most (including the guy radio show host) opine that the guy should "wear a saree and stay at home"... in other words a "wuss".

Waitaminute! Having extra dosh is considered "wussy"? Since when? So I called up the station to give my 2-sen worth.

Radio show host ("RSH"): Hello? What say you?

Me: Hello. Is this XYZ fm?

RSH: Yes, it is. Who's speaking please?

Me: This is Jasmine. I'd like to say that I think it's sweet that the parents are helping out their child.

RSH: But this "child" is already 30. He is not a "child" anymore!

Me: Well... to a parents, it doesn't matter if a "child" is 30, 10, 50 or 80. No matter how old you are, you are and always will be your parents' "child". And parents being parents, they naturally look out for their kids. It's nice to have extra cash. There can never be "too much money" and here you have someone giving you money. If it were me I'd just take the money and shut up..

RSH: *laughs* You've got a point there..

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Join an online protest

I joined another online protest today. Go to Got meself a nice little banner as well. Let's see some online activism! It is time that monopolising utility conglomerates realise that the consumer is king and they can't expect to charge us the sky, earth, sun and moon in return for lousy service and get away with it. Come on people. Get of our complacent bums and let our voices be heard. Unite and fight!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It has been 3 years, 5 months and 23 days since I boycotted a certain nasi kandar Penang restaurant in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. "Why?" you may ask. Here's the scenario:-

3 years, 5 months and 23 days ago I went to Lotus to indulge in one of our national pasttimes: hanging out at the mamak with friends. Not content to just nurse my cup of 'teh tarik', I decided to have a piece of fried chicken. The piece of chicken was no larger than my fist and I was charge RM6 for it. Needless to say I was outraged and all manner of disgust was felt. That was the long and short of it.

So today, I celebrate my 3rd year, 5th month and 23th day in boycotting this place.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Web Publishing

O-kay..! I admit it. I'm lousy at web publishing. Just haven't got the faintest clue on what, who, where and how. Bleh... But somehow, thinking that I CAN if I TRY, I proceeded to drive myself utterly bonkers trying to save a few ringgits by updating my own company website. The conclusion is: I'll leave it to the pros. I'll just content myself with blogging :-p

Mothers and Daughters

The month of May has bore witness to four life-changing events: 2 births and 2 deaths. Nope... Neither of those occurring within my family but they relate instead to people whom I work closely with.

Two daddy's became repeat daddies to two beautiful little girls.

Two sons lost their mothers to battles with illness and old age.

Somehow I couldn't help but think whether the two golden mothers have passed on only to assume the youthful form of the two daughters?

The cycle of life...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Life is short...

I came across this quote:

When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free.

When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have the time.

When you keep saying you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come.

Carpe diem.. like this adorable chap here.. {photo removed} unfortunately, due to strong protests and jeerings from certain parties, the picture had to be removed to prevent further har-"ass"-ment.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Rip Off

I don't really know what is the actual statistic out there, but I am sure that 60% of the computer literate world are using a particular 'why-so'-soft operating system with accompanying suite of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and email programmes bundled into a neat little package which starts with an "O" and ends with an "E" (no, it is not "orifice" but it does rhyme with it though). So anywhos, I was trying to open a presentation file done with this programme suite but somehow there was an error. After clicking numerous "send error reports", I noticed a link that says "click on the link below to find out how to resolve this problem". "Oh great!" me thinks to myself. Finally, a solution! So I click the link...
What happens next is blurdy upsetting.

This was the message that appeared in my internet browser:-

Problem caused by "Why-so"-soft O****e 2002: consider upgrading

The problem was caused by "Why-so"-soft O****e 2002, which was created by "Why-so"-soft Corporation. "Why-so"-soft O****e 2002 is in its "Extended Support" phase. This phase of support for "Why-so"-soft O****e 2002 began on July 11, 2006. Only security-related solutions are created by "Why-so"-soft for this version of "Why-so"-soft O****e.


Consider upgrading to the latest version of "Why-so"-soft O****e to receive full support. Go online to learn how to upgrade.

Was this information helpful?

[Yes] [No] [Somewhat]

I'm like: WTF??!! So I clicked "NO" and additional text appeared:-


[ ] Information is wrong

[ ] Information is confusing

[ ] Information does not apply to what I am experiencing

How can we make this information more helpful? (1000 character limit)

"Why" in deed! I checked the option for "information is confusing" and wrote the following in the "how can we make this information more helpful?" box:-

Dear "Why-so"-soft

I do not understand why after forking out good money to purchase your product, I am faced with this situation wherein the solution is to shell out more money in order to upgrade. Your corporation is already earning so much money, please have a heart and stop squeezing your loyal users.

{click} "submit"

Thursday, February 08, 2007

What it means to be Malaysian

  1. You have to wake up 2 hours earlier just to get to work half an hour late because:-
    • you were stuck in a jam getting out of your residential area because the property developer and municipality planner did not think to build enough access roads to accommodate the influx of residents to the new housing area;
    • there is only one single lane "toll free" road and a thousand cars trying to get onto it;
    • there is a multi lane toll paying road with 10 collection booths, but only 2 are open and the touch 'n go and/or smart-tag lanes are reduced to one serviceable gantry because the others are "sedang diuji" (undergoing tests);
    • the multi lane toll paying road converges into a three or (heavens!) two lane road;
    • the very uniquely Malaysian "queue cutters" who thinks that he/she gets an advantage by being 2 cars ahead of you on a jammed road (hurrah! big deal!); and
    • traffic lights that seem to take forever to change and when they do, the car in front of you decides to stall, splutter and die.

  2. You pay 300% in car excise duties, yearly road tax, exorbitant toll, (frequently) price-adjusted petrol, parking charges and still get stuck in a jam;
  3. You wish to use the public transportation system but there is no to service your area; or you most likely will still have to fork out ridiculous taxi fares because the distance is too far to walk but not far enough to justify the taxi driver's "effort"; or it rains and you end up stranded at the bus stop/LRT station and praying a passing vehicle doesn't splatter you with mud;
  4. You have to stand in line in order to get a queue number to wait some more at government departments(!);
  5. You're being given a long speech about how you have flaunted the law/exceeded the speed limit and how the officer will have to haul your a*s down to the "balai" (police station) only to have the same officer tell you that he wishes to "help you settle" on the spot;
  6. You dial a frequently called number only to be told by an automated voice that "the number you have dialed, is no longer in service" when you just manage to get through 5 minutes ago (weird...);
  7. The standard phrase for seeking opportunities or options is, "got/ada lubang ka?" (nope, it doesn't have any negative/kinky connotations, it just simply means "do you know of a source?")