Saturday, August 10, 2013

Plotting a cover-up

A cover-up for a piano that is... What were you thinking? *snicker*

Noticed a thin layer of dust blanketing Wally this morning just before I began our usual bonding sessions, making music. Got me thinking that I should get a proper cover to keep the dust from getting into Wally's innards. If you're unconvinced about getting a piano cover, read this.

Google-d "piano dust covers" and the asking prices floored me. So did the next natural thing: research how to make one.

So basically, we need to measure the darn thing. Used this as a guide.

Then Google-d for inspiration...

This lady used 5 metres of fabric from Ikea. Thanks for the guide on how much material to buy :) The hubs not feeling the ruffles though...

He said this looked "meh" but it serves its purpose, no?

< Here's my general idea of how it should look like. Let's call it "my design" for simplicity sake.

Next step is to measure Wally and make a paper pattern. Stay tuned for what happens next. 

In the mean time, the hubs got me this little helper. Isn't it a cutie-pie? (,")

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Raintree for our 8th month-sary

But why is it called a Raintree? According to "Tropical Legumes: Resources for the Future, the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1979", the leaflets of the Raintree fold together at night and during rainy weather, allowing the rain to fall through. The rain falling through onto the lush green beneath the trees is how the Raintree earned its name.

These trees were an integral part of my growing up years. From kindy to secondary school, the Raintree was a permanent visual feature on my school grounds. My school, Methodist Girls School, in particular was known for its Raintrees.

As a child, my classmates and I used to eat our lunch in its expansive shade. Its gnarled roots provided ample seating for us. Even now, whenever I chance upon a Raintree, it brings back fond memories of my childhood.

This is something new that I learnt about the Raintree:
"...(it) is a legume (family Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae). All legumes have bean pods, the characteristic by which they are most easily recognised. Like Tamarind and some other legume trees, the Raintree produces seedpods with an edible pulp. When ripe, the pulp is sweet and sugary, with a flavour rather like licorice. These pods can also be dried and ground into a meal that makes excellent animal feed."
Source:  "The Raintree - One of the world's favourite trees" by Don W. Cox, Arborist, e-Citylife, November 2003 

What prompted all this reading, you ask? Well, I was curious whether the Raintree would make good furniture. Teak, Cedar, Pine, Mahagony are mainstream wood choices but Raintree?

The hubs and I have been on a look out for a work table for our home office which can accommodate the both of us, side by side. We figured a 7-foot table ought to do it. 

We browsed a Japanese furniture shop in Ikano (forgot the name) which sold solid wood table tops for upwards of 9 grand (OMG!) table legs not included (double OMG!). After that encounter, we were spoilt. Nothing else could come close to that awesome feel of solid wood. Believe me, we tried very hard to pick something else. It was quite disheartening.

Just when we were about to give up looking, we chanced upon this shop selling Raintree furniture along Jalan Gasing in PJ. The vast array of solid Raintree wood table tops were mind boggling. Prices were still OMG! but just sitting there, in an unassuming corner, was the perfect table for us, size wise and price wise. It wasn't cheap but palatable. The hubby and I decided to ruminate the purchase for a few days.

We went to have a second look at it today and the sales assistant recognised us from our previous visit. 

After a long browse, we were still undecided and was about to leave when Uncle Yong (the sales assistant) made us an offer that halted our steps. I looked at the hubs and I could see he wanted the table but was hesitant about laying down the moolah for a piece of wood. Granted it was a BIG piece of solid wood but it was still quite a wad of cash.

So I made the decision for him. It shall be our 8-month-sary present (",)

Thursday, August 01, 2013

The Wally Has Landed

After sitting on tenterhooks for the good part of a day, Wally finally got delivered. We got worried after confirming the purchase. Second guessing our choice and worrying about whether Wally could fit into the elevator. Otherwise we would have to fork out extra to get the movers to walk him up the stairs. All 13 flights of it. Thankfully there was no need for such drama.

Sighs... He does look rather handsome sitting there, doesn't he?

Thank you, hubby darling for this precious gift (,")

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Waiting for Wally

It's an exciting day! Can hardly sit down. I made special arrangements to work from home today just to be around when Wally arrives.

I've already prep-ed Wally's room.. vacuumed, wiped and tidied up. Now all that's left is to wait...

Where's Wally...?